Big Mac Big Cash


Big Mac Big Cash

Big Mac Big Cash. Here’s another great story. Can’t get any simpler than this.

THEY say . . . of course, we know who THEY are. THEY are the media, big business, the government and anyone else who wants to use us for their own personal gain by squeezing us (the middle class, of course. That’s where all the Big Cash comes from!) dry.

Big Mac Big Cash.

Pretty soon we’ll have to use a wheel barrow if we want to pay in cash. Right now you should have that picture of someone in Germany pushing a wheel barrow heaping full of cash and abandoning it because it’s worthless.

Now take a look down the road and remember where Germany went from there. Uh huh. Someone hijacked the country and used it for their own personal gain!

Hmmm . . .

Do we want that? Perhaps we should consider alternatives. Yeah, before it’s ‘too late’.

Perhaps the best alternative is hitting them where it hurts. In the pocketbook. Stop buying Big Macs. Step out of the System and live a life of integrity ( I just got that. The word gritty is in the word integrity. Hmmm . . .) Find a way that works for you and do it.

Many Happy Returns!